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Advertorials -
31 July 2008

Internet is a revolutionary invention which first saw the light, as so many times, in the USA, in 1969, during the Cold war; much progress has been accomplished up until the discovery in CERN, in 1990, of the functioning and the development of the World Wide Web (WWW). Since then, computer science has really taken off and a huge number of enterprises, of programmers and other professionals are expected to join in the flow. Since the flourishing of markets, more and more software for enterprises and privates have seen the light. All this resulted in an abundance of data. Enterprises, being submerged, appealed to capable professionals in order to canalize all that load of information into a single system; so far, no one has ever been able to create a tool reuniting practicality, simplicity and rapidity.

For 8 years, CSRbusiness has conceived, developed and bettered the APIM (Active Process and Integration Manager). The former applies to link software into the enterprise or with the customers/subcontractors of the latter. The goal is double: firstly, it is necessary to serve the needs of the organizations which must transform complex and various computer processing systems, into an e-business environment of high availability. Secondly, it entails compensating for the high cost of a product such as the EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) by an "agile" solution, which knows how to reuse the strengths of the enterprise and which is fast to implement. This system also allows integrating complex work rules into the processes of integrations this thanks to workflow management. Note that this is named after an Anglo-Saxon invention which means "the management of the flow of work". Workflow entails being able to chain up in an automatic manner, successions of tasks divided between one or several users or systems. This enables checking after actions which were or not executed and being able to name actors for each of them in order to reach, in minimal time, a common goal. CRS business allows you to simplify the acts you have to accomplish so as to attain the same goal and this thanks to its APIM solution. For further information www.csrbusiness.com



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